MP for Taupō and Minister for Social Development and Employment, Louise also hit the dance floor to support Life Education Trust Central Plateau in 2019.
Leading a very busy lifestyle, Louise has three teenage children who she loves spending time with along with doing work on her lifestyle block just south of Cambridge.
Louise is very supportive of the work that Life Education does teaching children about making healthy choices in life. She says “Thousands of children have been impacted by Harold the Giraffe and I’m keen to see this work reach more kiwi kids.”
“I have gone outside my comfort zone on several occasions since I became the MP for Taupō, but have to say being a dancer in Dancing for Life Education in 2019 was the scariest. Having been told as a child I was too “big” to do ballet or any form of dancing I really am a beginner. I hope that going well beyond my comfort zone shows others they can “feel the fear and do it anyway.”