

Sarah Davidson & Louie Primeau

Wedding Dance

Sarah Davidson & Louie Primeau

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Sarah Davidson

My name is Sarah Davidson, and I am super excited to be taking part in DFLE 2024!  I am in the real estate industry, I live here with my husband, Brad, and our two cats. Brad took part in DFLE in 2019 and from that point I knew that this would be something I would love to do someday.  

Other than cranking out some dance moves on a night out in town, I've never danced before, so to learn to dance professionally will be such a massive achievement!  It's such an incredible event for such a wonderful cause, and I'm so pleased I can assist with raising some much-needed funds for such an essential charity for children of NZ.  I can't wait to feel the buzz from the crowd on the night, it will be electric!

I'm honoured to be taking part in this event while improving my dance moves and fitness at the same time!


Louie Primeau

I am a young American man who immigrated to New Zealand when I was 15 years old. Spending more than half my life in New Zealand now, but long enough in America, has given me a unique perspective on different ways to learn.  That’s part of what I am hoping to get out of this experience, something new to learn, a new challenge to grow out of my comfort zone.

I love the way Life Education Trust tackles this with their various programs. My Elementary school education in the US was through similar experience-based learning, via a Montessori Magnet school, with programs such as DARE, Gus the Bus, and the CFD Blaze Mascot - they really stuck with me. Even all these years later.

So, as I learned more about what Life Education Trust does for our young whanau it seemed the least I could do was make an embarrassment of myself so that others might benefit from similar kinds of programmes. And with discomfort and mortification it wasn’t too hard to bribe the boss into throwing a little sponsorship my way.  As these are the kind of Values Cosana New Zealand is all about – Growth, Hard work, and Family - it goes a long way to not simply talk the talk but also demonstrate them for the Team!


  • Teachers: Julian & Connie

    Teacher - Connie Takarangi

    Connie has always had dance in her DNA, from a young age starting with Ballet, then as an adult she found a love for Ballroom & Latin dance and competitions. Also having a host of skills in Belly dancing, Rock n Roll, stage work, choreography and being a Creative Textile artist, Connie partners Julian Bishop in Basestep classes/private lessons, show dance and Wedding Dance Taupo.

    Connie is passionate about sharing the joy of dance, the experience of Mind, Body, Soul, and is super excited to work with Julian and their DFL dance couple to make dancing magic for Dancing For Life Education.


    Teacher - Julian Bishop

    For his third season with DFL Ed., Julian and his partner Connie will coach a couple in a beautiful Wedding Dance performance. Julian brings over 20 years of championship-level dancing experience as a certified instructor, choreographer, and coach for wedding dances and competitive partnerships. He offers demonstrations, team-building activities, and corporate event entertainment.

    Julian started partner dancing at age 11 at the Margaret O’Connor Studio in Wellington, NZ. Inspired by his teachers, he joined the Harbour City Rock and Roll Club, where he excelled and discovered his passion for teaching. After moving to Palmerston North and then Auckland in 1989, he ran community education classes, performed at public events, and served as President of the Zephyrs RnR Club.

    Julian co-hosted the inaugural Salsa Lambada dine and dance cruise in 1992 and judged and performed at the 10th annual Salsa Latin championships in 1998. He taught at Ceroc NZ, partnered for Argentine Tango classes, and led choreography for Hoyts Movies. Now, Julian offers private classes and performance coaching, crediting Graciela Heredia, Angelique Meyer, and Michelle Stoupe as influential partners in his career.

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